Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Miscount on Streak

Yesterday's entry indicated that the consecutive rain days had reached 19. Actually, after a recount on the weather charts, it reached 20 days yesterday. So far today, it's dry and clear. The days are warming up and the daylight is lasting longer which is something we always liked about the Northwest. We think it's all smooth sailing from here as far as the weather is concerned.

We finished our 2 long days for the week yesterday and we begin 3 shorter work days today. Our starting times today and tomorrow aren't until 1 PM and we work till 5 PM. Our schedule alternates us from early start to late start each week with the managers. So far, we like the schedule except for Thursdays where we are split at 2 1/2 hours each. That day, one of us starts at 8 while the other starts at 10:30 when the first of us goes home. We end up spending a total of 5 hours working but only 2 1/2 hours each. It seems like a wasted day to us.

The new software upgrade for our satellite receiver arrived yesterday and I installed it with no problem. The satellite dish locked on to the satellites with no problem. I then contacted DirecTV to activate our new receiver from them and accomplished that in a short time. The only problem we have outstanding now is the power up issue with the TV. We will need to take that to either Salem or Portland to have the power supply replaced. We hold our breath every time we turn on the TV hoping that it powers up OK. At least we are off the campground cable and can once again record shows and movies. That's about it for now...

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