Sunday, February 26, 2017

Looking at Options

It is becoming more clear each day that this experience is not one that we envisioned. We can stay as long as we like and work here, but it has become more frustrating with the more exposure we get to the procedures and with the area. We also have informed the owners that we will be moving on after they hire suitable replacements for us. They are very nice folks and understand our frustration.

We worked with Dana all day yesterday and she is a super person to work with. She is from Houston where her family still resides and she also sympathizes with our disappointment in the area and with the system that is used at the Resort. She also has some issues with the system, and she is one of the owners.

We could help make the changes that would be required to improve the system, but there are other considerations. For starters, there is no authentication for the hours you work. No time clock, no sign in sheet, nothing. We would get paid for 32 hours per week, but already we have worked 7 of the first 8 days on the job. The kicker is that if you work the day, you are responsible for making the rounds at the Resort at 10 PM each night to make sure everything is locked, the pool is closed and the satellite laundry room is locked. So, after working at least 8 hours during the day, you are expected to stay up to work another half hour to 45 minutes performing night duties. Doug also has no intention to hire a housekeeping crew, so we would be responsible, every day, to clean all the restrooms (10), the clubhouse, the fitness center, the kitchen and the office. These responsibilities take half your work day, and is perhaps the biggest disappointment of all. We did not sign on to take housekeeping jobs. I could go on, but you get the picture.

We are trying to decide our best option for now. We are certainly going to keep our commitment to work in Jackson this summer, but we aren't sure what we will do between now and then - and, following our Jackson time. There are lots of details to work out before we do anything. Let me just say that this throws a wrench into our whole set of plans, but, as always, we will find the best way for us to proceed...

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