Saturday, July 2, 2016

Email Converted

Before getting into yesterday's activity, I wanted to show the photos of one of the beautiful fields that we saw on our trip to Idaho Falls:

It was spectacular, and we couldn't figure out what they were - they looked like weeds, but obviously, a farmer has some crop growing. As near as we can tell, it is Canola. It certainly was beautiful.

I spent nearly the entire day researching and performing the conversion of my Microsoft Live Mail 2011 to the latest version of Microsoft Outlook. In order to accomplish that, I signed up for a one year, free, subscription to Office 365 which includes the latest copy of Outlook. I should be good to go for the foreseeable future - at least with my email software. The response time was terrible on our hotspot from Verizon and it took forever for all the software to download and install.

Josie did laundry to keep up with that task while I was on the computer. It seemed like an off day that was kind of wasted, but we had to get those things done. Now, we have 5 days of working, followed by only one day off and then 6 days of working before seeing our 3 day weekend in two weeks. I hope we are "up" for this marathon working period...

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