Friday, August 24, 2018

Scheduling Car Service

We noticed that our white Escape was overdue for service the other day so I made an appointment for this morning. Josie drives that car to/from work which means we had to switch cars this morning so I could take it in for a 7:20 AM appointment. We are mounting up the mileage now on that car after going for almost a year with only 10K miles on the odometer. The red Escape now has 37K miles on it, and is not due for service again for another 2K miles. I don't put many miles on the car that stays home everyday. Josie's commute is now around 30 miles each way where before it was only 13 miles. She is hanging in there and hoping for a transfer to a closer store sometime soon.

One other nice thing about her new job is that she gets paid weekly. This is the first job where she has ever gotten a weekly paycheck and that sure helps with budgeting. So, every Friday is payday.

The weather forecast is improving as far as high temperatures go. I like seeing the highs every day that are 105 or less. It will be great if we can keep this streak going, and hope that the remainder of the monsoon season is kind to us...

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