Tuesday, May 8, 2018


We were scheduled to have our final walk thru at the house late yesterday afternoon. I picked up Josie at work and we were there at the expected time, 4:30 PM. The final walk thru is scheduled after the sellers have vacated the house and three days before the actual closing. There was a breakdown in communication that really upset us. First of all, the sellers were still in the house, smoking away like a chimney. They had not moved out from the house and many of the items they are taking were still there. It was a total waste of time for us and Josie lost some valuable time at the shop where the Mother's Day workload is growing.

I sent a scathing email to all the parties involved requesting better communications and asking that everybody please get on the same page. There are only three days to go and we can't have these breakdowns that could, potentially, delay everything. Further, there is a problem with the actual signing of documents. We were told that we would sign on Wednesday, but last night we were informed that it will be Thursday AM at 8:30. These people must think that our time is completely open and nothing needs to be firm on the schedule.

The walk thru is now scheduled again for today but if we have it at all, I will attend myself and not have Josie miss any more time. We will be very happy when this is all over and we can move forward.

We also received our copy of the final numbers showing details of the closing. It is all good news and everything should move smoothly on Thursday...

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