Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Disposal Plans

There are three parts to this move-in effort. The first, and most important one is the interior of the house. We have a manageable number of boxes remaining to empty and still have lots of items to find a place to store. We are getting closer to having the inside settled. The second part is the garage which only has a path between rows of boxes. Most of what is in the garage are items that we have been moving around for years and we haven't had the "push" to get rid of yet. Now is the time. The final part is emptying the RV and finding places to store those items that remain to be moved. Below is a first attempt at disposing of the boxes and other recyclables and a dumpster that we had brought in yesterday to take on the trash that is not recyclable:

The recyclables were just picked up and all that is left is the dumpster which we expect to fill over the next week or so.

The pickup for the unwanted furniture by St Vincent DePaul is scheduled for Tuesday, the 29th. That will make a huge difference in removing the clutter that remains. Also, the TV was wall mounted yesterday so we can now watch TV without having the TV on the floor.

Progress seems slow at times, but we really are gaining on the problems...

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