Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Everything Moved Now

Yesterday completed the final move-in of furniture to the house. Every household item that we own is now under the roof. The thing is, we can use another roof. There is so much stuff that needs to find a place that we will be unpacking and sorting for a long, long time. It isn't the best of the year to be doing all this with the intense heat which makes it very difficult to do anything in the garage for very long. It will eventually all get done.

I really appreciated the help that Brian gave yesterday for the moving of the furniture from his house and from George's house. I really couldn't have done it without his help (with just Josie and I) and I know he had better things to do before he goes out of town today. Thanks again, Brian.

We will settle-in to unpack and organize everything now and that is going to be a challenge. The only piece we are missing right now is a desk for the den area where I can place all the office supplies and computer equipment that we have. There are many boxes of souvenirs and items we have accumulated over the years that we will struggle to find a place for in our available storage. I will definitely have to make some arrangement in the garage to store much of these things, but not while it is close to 100 degrees in the garage.

One thing that is a nice benefit for us and one we are using and will continue to use extensively - is our swimming pool. It was a good decision to get one with our house and it will pay dividends this summer...

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