Sunday, May 11, 2014

Long Deliveries Day

I started at 8:30 yesterday with deliveries to the Peoria area. I did three runs, totaling 38 deliveries and was in just about every part of Peoria before finishing up at 4 PM. I really don't like delivering in this particular area because of the traffic volume and other considerations. There were traffic jams all around the central part of Peoria where the malls are located and all of the big box stores and good restaurants are located. Yesterday was a day for everybody to be out shopping, as I lost lots of time crawling in traffic in the early afternoon. As I mentioned before, the town of Peoria has a much larger concentration of working mothers and it gets frustrating when I have to knock on several neighbors doors to find someone who would be willing to hold an arrangement until the recipient came home. In some cases, I had to try three or four neighbors before finding one that would take the delivery and hold for the recipient. When I delivered in Sun City last year, and Sun City West the years before when I helped with deliveries, I didn't have many of those situations as most of the customers were retired and at home. Also, when the recipient wasn't home, a close neighbor would come to the rescue and take it after only one or two tries. I like the willingness of the retired folks to help out versus the seemingly "I don't want to be bothered" attitude of the working customers.

I should also mention that we have seen the burros again while leaving the last two mornings for work. This time, they were close to the resort and were grazing and playing near the entrance to the resort:

Josie actually caught this one earlier in the morning when she left about an hour before me. He was walking along the side of the road:

It was nice to see them again after a long period of wondering where they went. It may be the last sighting before we leave at the end of this week.

Today is my last day to drive and Josie's final day for production. She will work tomorrow and Tuesday to wrap up any late orders and to complete replacements where required. She actually got home before me yesterday by a couple hours. It's finally over after today...

Happy Mother's Day !

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