Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Enough Wind Already

For the sixth consecutive day we are expecting 30 plus mph wind gusts and steady winds in the 20-25 mph range. We are somehow caught in a pattern of pressure changes that are causing these constant winds. The winds are making it difficult to get things done outside to prepare for our trip, but we'll manage somehow.

Josie said her farewells at work for the summer yesterday and is now focusing on the tasks to get things organized inside. There really isn't that much that needs to be done, but we hate to wait until the last minute to finish. She had a couple experiences yesterday that are noteworthy. The first is that some vandalism occurred on the beautiful prickly pear cactus that is outside the door of the shop. Here is a shot of the plant, taken just about a week ago:

and these shots of the damage that was done:

They suspect it was done by people from the neighboring trailer park. It's sad to see how some people just don't care about the effects of stealing, or whatever their destructive motives were.

Her excitement continued after coming home from work. She said the tire pressure light on the Jeep came on while driving home. Well, at about 8 PM last night when I went outside to empty one of our holding tanks, I saw that the left rear tire was flat. I changed the tire with the help of one of our neighbor's (Mike) who just happened to be walking by. I will have to take the flat down the road to Fletcher's in Peoria this morning to get it repaired. I just hope it doesn't mean buying a new tire, as it is fairly new with plenty of tread remaining. I would have had a shot of the flat except we put the spare on in the dark, using a flashlight. At least I know now where all the jack tools are located and how to get access to the spare tire under the vehicle. I could have waited for that education.

This will be the first full day we have had together in about two weeks to be able to concentrate on the chores required to get ready. We have enough time - if the winds would stop - to get everything done outside in the next day or so...

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