Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bank Business

Following the shocking "hacked" experience yesterday morning, I went to our bank and opened a new account. The process has changed somewhat since we opened any account more than a dozen years or so ago. Josie couldn't be added to the account since she needed to physically be there to provide her drivers license and sign the documents. They no longer allow you to take the forms home, get them signed and returned to the bank. I guess, with her long days working this week, it won't be until after Mother's Day when she can stop by the bank during their open hours to get that done.

The entire day was spent going through old bank statements and folders on my email to make sure I didn't miss any accounts where we provide our bank information for payments. Also, all of the automatic payment creditors were changed over to the new account. This morning I noticed that the balances are back to normal and our old account will have a hold on it until all automatic deposits are converted to the new account. I had no problems with any of the changes to the new account except for one - my Unisys pension - whom I haven't communicated with in over 15 years. The company responsible for handling those payments has changed a couple times over the years and they asked me security questions I couldn't answer - such as, what is your password and what was the exact date you terminated your employment? Of course, I didn't have a password because I have never tried changing any information with this new provider. I also couldn't remember the exact date I terminated employment and it isn't written down anywhere. So, I need to wait for them to send me a temporary password in the mail before I can change any account information. Fortunately, the old account will still be open - but on hold - until all of these changes are made.

Maybe we can get back to our normal schedule now and I can get some work done outside. Even though it was windy most of the afternoon yesterday, it appears to be calm - and much cooler than yesterday, so it should be a good outside activities day. We only have about ten more days before leaving, so we have lots to do...

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