Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Preparing For The Heat Wave

We knew that the temperatures would eventually climb into the high 90's. We also knew that the humidity (87%) would almost match the temperature. We are just about there. Last night our low was 72 after a high of 92 yesterday. Today it is expected to go to 97 with high humidity. What that translates to is running the air conditioner all day long and night, just as we did in Arizona during the summer. Once in awhile is OK, but we hope it doesn't become a daily thing as we are responsible for our electric bill while here. Our first one for the first 3 weeks was only $42, but we expect it to reach well over $100 the next time. Of course, we never really had to worry about the summer "spikes" in the electric bill while in Arizona as we were on the budget plan and payed the same every month during the year.

Yesterday was also one of those days where you didn't feel like doing much of anything, which we did. Josie did some laundry - not all of it - and I did some computer stuff and workamper job search stuff. We have pretty much decided to stay here through our commitment so that we can collect the bonus in mid September. Unless something spectacular comes up, we will stay the course. It gets more and more difficult to justify leaving as time goes on since the bonus is tied to the total number of hours worked from beginning to end. That is also why we are disappointed in the number of hours they have scheduled us. So far, the options haven't been spectacular.

We are both only scheduled for 5 hours today and tomorrow. Since my work is all outside, I'm not looking forward to working even those hours. Maybe working only 5 hours is a blessing in disguise...

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