Monday, June 27, 2011

Arrival in Campbellsville, KY

As indicated yesterday, we left Barboursville, WV early to try to get a head start performing our departure duties (dumping our holding tanks) and getting through the narrow and winding 10 mile trip from the campground to the Interstate. Since there were no Wi-Fi and cell services where we were, the post from yesterday was also delayed. Anyway, it was 8 AM when we hit the road and, except for driving through some off-and-on rain, made it to Campbellsville after several stops, at 1:30 PM.

Of course we remembered everything about the town since it has been only a little over 6 months since we were last here.  It was very cold when we left here in December. The campground we are starting out with is named Heartland Campground, and it is very new- built to accommodate the workampers and is located directly across the street from the Amazon complex. We remembered that people that we worked with last year that stayed here, walked to work before it got really cold. It is not the most beautiful campground we've stayed in, but it has full hookups and free Wi-Fi, and, of course, is the most convenient. Right now it looks like a ghost town:

The only people here are other workers that arrived (so far) for the summer pilot program that we will be working. We had our choice of sites and chose one along the back where there would be nobody behind us and has a decent view out over the hills in the back:

We have almost everything set up, but we want to check out all of the other campgrounds that are available to the Amazon workampers before deciding to stay at this one until late December. There may be a better place to stay that isn't too far away and still has full hookups with free Wi-Fi and has more pleasant surroundings - like some grass, picnic tables, fire rings, etc. Since Amazon will be footing the bill, why not check them out? The State Park we stayed in last year was beautiful, but if you recall, we had to have the "honey wagon" come in once a week to pump out our holding tanks and invariably, they showed up when we were sleeping during the day. Plus, our pipes froze as a result of their negligence in closing off the valves in the proper order. Even though Amazon payed for that service, it's still nice to have all the hookups. Solidifying our campground location will be a very high priority.

After setting up we took a drive to the local Kroger market and got some groceries using the gift cards that we won last year in several of the employee drawings. We hope that Amazon still offers those perks as it is a nice, extra benefit.

We expect to go over to the facility - hopefully today - to get our drug tests completed so we can begin work by the 1st of July. We spoke to one of the pilot program workers yesterday as we were setting up and he indicated that Amazon is already considering offering overtime to the workers. We're sure that there will be plenty of hours and we look forward to earning some good wages while here...

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