Saturday, June 4, 2011

Not The Same Crowd

We thought there would be a huge increase in the weekend traffic following Memorial Day but we were wrong. It was almost as light yesterday as it had been prior to the holiday. There were only 23 arrivals plus a small number of seasonal people. Now, we are told that the crowd doesn't increase until all the schools let out. Well, that should have nothing to do with the weekend crowd. Kids are off now on weekends. I guess we'll find out.

We received a couple offers for jobs already after just a few days of searching. We decided that we will be very selective in any job we consider that would take us away from here. Even though we have issues with the hours and the type of work we are doing, we don't want to jump into the fire from the frying pan. This is a nice place to work otherwise. Whatever turns up will have to have super appeal. The one job that could have had some appeal was located in Platte City, MO, outside of Kansas City, and was a nice park. The problem there was that we had to work 9 hours (each) every week for our site before the pay-for-work kicked in. That amounted to our paying the equivalent of $522 per month for our space. We passed on that one.  Even though we pay for our electric here, it is much less than the site cost. Another offer was from a park in Wells, NV., which is totally out of the question at this point. We'll stay put if necessary.

One thing we decided to do on our next day off was to visit Williamsburg so that we can have the opportunity to see some of the "real" attractions in this area. It isn't that far away and we can go back several times if we want. The important thing is that we get to enjoy all that the area has to offer in the event we leave prematurely. So, it looks like Monday will be the day for our first visit there. That is something we have looked forward to doing.

A welcomed change in the weather has occurred. A cold front came through yesterday and we didn't need the air conditioner at all. It went down to 62 last night after a high of 79 on Friday. More of that is forecast for today, so we'll take it...

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