Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tossed to the Wolves

The first half of the day yesterday at work was spent covering some final details about the turnstiles and their operation. By lunch time at noon we were done and we were then tossed to the wolves, so to speak, and were actually assigned a turnstile at the main entrance. At first, it was a very nervous time as I was expecting unique problems to occur but there weren't any major problems and I got into the routine fairly quickly and enjoyed the assignment. Also, the trainer stood behind us for awhile to help with any unusual problems. The most serious problem was that the turnstiles went offline for about 5 minutes with a software glitch which meant we had to do the ticket checks manually during that time. The day was a good wrap up to our training. My next scheduled day is Saturday and I start at 2 PM and work until 8:30 PM - not the best schedule. I'm still hoping for more, regular hours, and soon.

Florida is called the Sunshine State, but there hasn't been much of that the last few days. Yesterday and last night we had over .10" of rain which doesn't sound like much but it was in the form of a steady drizzle most of the time. We do feel fortunate though as most of the rest of the country is suffering through a lot worse. At least the temperatures are in the pleasant range here - 79 for a high and 57 for the low. The forecast isn't much better but the poor folks in Dallas have taken a big hit, financially, from the weather leading up to today's Super Bowl. My guess is that the people that choose the sites for these games in the future will stay with the almost "guaranteed" nice weather areas of the sun belt - such as Miami, Southern California and Arizona. I hope it's a good game and we will be watching.

The week ahead will be important for us. We will have to finalize our plans for the next year and I will get our taxes done. If we get some sunshine we will also enjoy some outdoor activity of some kind.

Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday everybody...

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