Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scheduling Disappointment

The assignment I was given yesterday for the entire shift was parking. There were once again several different events - Presidents' Day Fastpitch, Twirl Mania event, Disney's Presidents' Day Soccer and USA Competition Gymnastics. That made for a parking nightmare and traffic jams everywhere. We use about a half dozen parking areas, including bare fields, that were almost all totally filled. The first half of my shift was at the entrance, directing vehicles either into the parking area or to valet, handicap, or to the drop off area for participants. It was relentless. The second half was in an area where the people that were leaving had to cross the busy entrance street and I directed traffic like a school crossing guard. It was a long shift even though it was only a total of 6 hours, and my back was aching when it was all over for me at 8PM.

I also picked up my schedule for next week - the first full week of Spring Training games. I was disappointed to see that there are only 3 days scheduled, and none of those are in the stadium. Two of the days have me in parking once again, and the third day I work in Guest Operations, which could be anything - turnstiles, usher, people traffic control. etc. The total hours for the week are only 20, which just isn't going to cut it if we are to stay until April 2nd. That is a problem we need to address.

The weather has been terrific though, and it looks like another stellar day today. It reached 80 yesterday and looks like the same today. It's also nice to see that the rest of the country is having a taste of warm weather, but don't put away the shovels yet.

Today is a day to recover from colds - Josie's is almost gone, and mine is almost at its worse. We can't figure out where or how we caught them but these days you only need to touch something or be near somebody that has one to catch them. Regardless, we will enjoy the day...

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