Thursday, February 3, 2011

Starting on Taxes

The only place we went yesterday was to the Post Office in Clermont to pick up our mail and to stop at Kohl's so that Josie could inquire about employment. They indicated that they still had some of their Christmas help and nothing was available. Not surprising. They are probably not a place that is impacted by the tourists as much as many other businesses.  The first paycheck from Disney was deposited and I'm hoping that I can squeeze more hours out of them. Supposedly, when all my training is done, I should see an increase in work time - especially with the Spring Training games starting soon.

The other main activity was to begin on our taxes. There is only 1 W-2 still outstanding but there is enough information to get that dreaded task started. It is a little more complicated this year since we had income from 4 different states. There is no state income tax in Wyoming, so that helps.

As promised yesterday, I have a couple pictures that we took while going to the clubhouse for our free coffee and newspaper that our membership provides each day. Below is a shot of the pool area:

As mentioned yesterday, there are 2 pools - the one on the left is barely visible and is the adult pool that is next to the fitness center. Then there is this picture of the area containing the shuffleboard courts, the tennis courts (background) and the kids playground area:

There are lots of things to do here with all the events that they schedule like craft shows, dancing classes (line dancing), potlucks, sporting tournaments and other specialty group activities. Most of the people involved in those are people that pay an extra fee to stay the whole season in the same park. Our membership allows for a maximum 3 weeks at a time, with at least 1 day out, and then back for another 3 weeks - providing there is space available. That allows for other members to get reservations. It is a fair system and we don't object to those rules.

I expect to get more done on the taxes today, so my last day before going back to work tomorrow will be busy. This week I am scheduled for Friday and Saturday so I get to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday. Later...

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