Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weekend Kickoff

The resort started early filling up yesterday. It seemed like everybody that checked in had 2 or 3 kids in tow. All the tent sites were taken, most of the cabins were filled and the RV spaces were all booked. The morning was filled with kids coming into the store and checking out mitts, bats, baseballs, gloves, footballs, basketballs and buying candy. It was a fun day for all, and it was only Friday! We also started our "hayride" for the kids. You can see from the shot below that the wagon was a little light on "hay".

The wagon actually contains a huge bench for everybody to sit on. It works. Along with all the kids that arrived with each family were a bunch of dogs. We had to go remind our cabin tenants that dogs were absolutely not allowed in the cabins. The people staying in the cabins said they had kennels to keep the dogs in all night and they would be outside. Brrr!

It does appear though we are going to warm up a bit. It only went down to 49 this morning. That was after yesterday's low of 32 (poor tomato plants). We did make 69 yesterday for a high and expect it to be warmer today.

We do the morning shift again today and expect a steady flow of people in the store. We shouldn't have many arrivals since the resort is nearly full already...

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