Saturday, September 14, 2019

Struggle With Some Issues

I got frustrated yesterday over the (lack of) progress resolving some of the outstanding issues. The truck insurance situation is downright depressing. The new company - Progressive - was a super bad choice. They will not cover some of the damage and they are asking that I take videos and photos of the damage to send to them for an estimate. That is impossible. You have to see the damage to be able to estimate repairs. I decided to wait until I am in CA to pursue the solution. In the meantime, I did get the Diesel Exhaust Fluid problem solved - the line was bent as a result of the tire blowout and the dealer repaired the line. The cost of that fix will be reimbursed by insurance.

My experience with Best Buy and the Geek Squad was also disappointing. The agent did show how to fix the problem but the resulting effect on the performance of my system was hardly any change at all. I am more confused now than before I went to them for help. I guess another follow-up call and visit will be in order.

In the meantime, we are reorganizing the RV and getting things ready for our class next week in CA. We will leave on the 19th and spend three days in Simi Valley attending our class. We will then return home to pick up the RV and travel to the Orange County Fairgrounds to start our new experience. Looking forward to that...

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