Thursday, May 2, 2019

Some Delays in Tasks

When I went to the RV yesterday to swap out the door window, I ran into another situation that required attention. The RV was totally down on the front end like someone had lowered the jacks and the batteries were near dead again. I have no idea how that could have happened but I needed to fix the problem immediately. I came back home, picked up the battery charger and a ladder for the window swap and headed back. The charger worked great - again - and it also worked with my DC/AC adapter that I have had for years so I was able to charge the batteries (through the truck DC outlet) without a power hookup. So, I now had full power batteries and the jacks were returned to their normal "level" position.

I ran into another problem while attempting to replace the window. The stained glass window we have used for years had some loose corners and the frame was falling off. I postponed the swap for at least another day while I make fixes on the stained glass window. I glued those parts last night with super glue so we should be good to go again. Josie is off today so maybe I can recruit her help to make the window swap today.

I heard back from our manager in Jackson regarding our tentative schedule. He will not be working on the 20th which is the new projected start date and he wants to be there to retrain us. Understandable. He had no problem with our arriving early, but it looks like our start date will remain the 22nd of May. He invited us to attend the orientation scheduled for the 21st, so we will probably attend...

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