Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Another Interruption

Everything started out as planned yesterday morning until we got to 9:30 AM. At that time, Josie got a call from her shop asking her to come in - for a couple hours - to help get caught up. Well, she went in, of course, and didn't get home until almost 5:30PM. That sure put a damper on the schedule to get the RV loaded. I did as best I could with "to-do" items, like begin arranging the outdoor furniture for covering, loading as much of the office items as I could with one day left, and loading some clothing.

My appointment with the Audiologist went about as I expected. My one hearing aid is, in fact, dead. She made the comment "Didn't this happen the last time?" She was right-on! Every time we need to take long trips I develop a problem with at least one of my hearing aids. What's the deal? I can almost predict that I will have this problem every time. She sent off the bad one to the factory for repairs and re-programmed one of my old aids to work temporarily. The problem now is to make sure I get delivery of the new one at the PO Box we have in Moose, WY. The package should be small enough that it should be no problem. Of course, they are only 7 months old and under full warranty.

This morning, we have to deal - once again - with Josie going into the shop for a "planned" four hour stint. They really appreciate her accommodating their schedule to the detriment of causing delays in our schedule. We will be rushing around at the end of today making sure everything is loaded. We still have clothes, food and toiletries to load. Our neighbor, Jim, will be coming over to the house sometime today to go over things for him to be able to "watch" our home for us. We will park the car in the garage (yeah!) and hope that we can get everything done in time. I will get the truck gassed-up and we can get one last good night's sleep in our house...

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