Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Strange Events

I had the truck in the Ford service department at 8:15 yesterday morning to have the hitch installed, and the brake controller installed. Before catching the shuttle back home, I went through a discussion with the service advisor about the necessity for a brake controller. The advisor thought, just like everyone else, that the integrated brake controller already in the truck negated the need for another controller. Wrong. The brakes on our fifth wheel are hydraulic, and the integrated Ford controller is only for electric brakes. Therefore, a third party controller - like the Tekonsha controller I was having installed - is necessary. The strangeness resulted from the call to the person I thought was the service manager at the dealership in Mesa where we purchased the fifth wheel to get a technical explanation of the brakes. The person we contacted is actually the service manager at DRV in Howe, In! I don't know exactly how I got the two mixed up, but if it didn't happen when it did, I would have taken our fifth wheel into Robert Crist next week expecting to get the repairs done and they would have wondered who I was, and what I was talking about. I connected with the real service manager at Robert Crist and I am back on track with the repairs now. The hitch and the Tekonsha controller were installed successfully.

The other problem is with the hitch. They installed the model that is mounted on a roller that is primarily for smaller truck beds to provide better clearance. This model is suppose to provide better ride with the trailer, but it looks very different from a standard fifth wheel hitch. I will call the Ford service department this morning and try to get some further instruction on the use of this model hitch. It has been a different experience so far from our last truck and towing configuration.

Josie has an appointment this morning with the eye doctor who will determine what has to be done to improve her vision. The examination we had a couple weeks ago revealed some issues that she needs to have addressed. We hope everything goes well with that appointment this morning...

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