Saturday, January 2, 2016

Off and Running

The first day of the new year included a visit to our fifth wheel at Lake Pleasant. I had taken the cover off a couple weeks ago when the insurance adjuster came out to take pictures of the body damage we received when we had the tire blowouts several years ago. Josie helped as we had to spread out the cover to fold and roll up for the bag to store for the next year. No easy task. It is a bulky piece of material with lots of zippers and seams and is almost impossible to align in  neat folds. We came pretty close as this is the cover before performing the final roll up for the storage bag:

The total job took us about 1 hour to complete. The next step is to take the rig into the dealership to have the repairs done. That will happen after I get the hitch installed in the truck this week.

The day was also filled with watching the Rose Parade and some great football games. What else are you suppose to do on New Year's Day? Josie goes back to work again today and works just the one day before getting another day off tomorrow. This past week has been strange as she worked every other day the last week. Now that the holidays are over, she will get back to her normal schedule beginning Monday.

We have a lot to squeeze into the next several months. I will try to summarize the challenges in the post for tomorrow. It involves some changes in our plans that will, hopefully, make sense in the long term...

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