Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Begins

It's that time of year again when it seems like it is dark outside most of the day. Of course, the first day of winter is also the shortest day of the year. We don't see the effect of the shortest day as much as we did when we lived in WA all those years, but conversely, the longest day of the year in summer was much longer in WA.

Josie is plodding through her busy schedule at work and she said this year is much busier than last. I guess that's another sign of the economical rebound. All the signs point to rising interest rates and more inflation to begin again in this country. I heard yesterday that there are some economists who are predicting another recession - worse than the last - to begin next year if the Feds don't slow the march to raise interest rates. It will be interesting to watch. It is beyond me how President Obama can justify flying off to Hawaii for a vacation when there is so much uncertainty and confusion surrounding his health program. I guess he believes that his house is in order.

We again had a beautiful sunset last night as the storm ended and the clouds began to move out:

How can you beat that?

I will drive Josie to work today and run some errands while she is at work. Since she will not have another day off until Christmas, it is the only way I can do certain things - like get a haircut, for example. This is one of the few occasions when we wished we had the second vehicle. Right now though, the advantages to having one outweigh the disadvantages, so we'll make it work...

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