Monday, December 23, 2013

Webinar Scheduled

I responded to an email two weeks ago from Workamper News, requesting a survey be completed for a new RV-centric opportunity that is being introduced. There were 750 respondents to the survey and all the resumes of potentially qualified couples were invited to attend a Webinar tonight at 5 PM. It will be conducted by the CEO of this new company and some of the senior staff. I have no idea what the product is or what is required to become involved - if interested - but we should know more following the Webinar. These are live meetings that are held via computer and/or telephone connections. The emails hinted that the opportunities that will be available are high paying, so there is most likely a sales effort of some kind. There are also going to be several different areas that this company wants to staff with workampers, so it also sounds like mobility is key. We'll keep you posted.

Last year at this time I was involved in performing deliveries for Josie's shop. Since we only have the truck this year, and the truck is not a floral delivery vehicle, I get to pass on that activity. I will miss the extra money, but there was no way we could have made it work this year.

Today and tomorrow are overtime days for Josie, so there is a huge difference in her holiday participation this year. We are trying to figure out how we can get a few extra hours, somewhere, to get in some last minute shopping for each other. The Webinar puts a kink in the schedule for tonight, and tomorrow night we go to the Christmas Eve church service that is at a local church we haven't tried before. I hope we can figure out something. We have already bought presents for each other, but we have nothing to open for Christmas morning that will be a surprise.

I hope everybody is ready for Christmas with only today and tomorrow to go...

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