Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blowing Away

The winds started shortly after we got up yesterday morning and they haven't stopped. That makes about 24 hours of non-stop winds, gusting to 30 mph, but blowing at a steady 15-20 mph. We cannot recall any 24 hour period that was so windy without even a break. The real problem is that none of the TV forecasts called for wind which makes it difficult to prepare for extended periods of windy weather. We know that Lake Pleasant gets more winds, but not to this extent. I will study my material from Davis to see if there might be a way to forecast the winds from my own weather station. It has been a solid performer for over 5 years that I've used the equipment. I'm sure there is a way and that will be a to-do project for today.

We were expecting a freeze last night so we moved all our plants into the gazebo again and closed it up for the night. The low was only 44 last night, so I'm not sure who is developing these forecasts from the NBC network. The Weather Channel also said there would be very low temperatures last night, so I'm not sure where anybody gets the information they broadcast. I guess the way it will happen is that a forecast will be made for normal temperatures and it will go below freezing by surprise to everyone.

Josie is working full days and when she works at the production center there is no heat. She came home last night, tired and cold, even after wearing about 3 layers of clothing. The forecasts, for whatever they are worth, indicate a warming trend so we are keeping our fingers crossed that they may be right.

It's still dark outside as I write this entry, so I am waiting for daylight to discover any (unexpected) results from the winds of the last 24 hours...

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