Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Longer Work Days

The week before Christmas is noteworthy for one big change in our daily activities - Josie will work longer days. She left at 7:30 yesterday AM and didn't return home until after 5 PM. It seems that every day will be at least that long until Christmas Eve day.

I sorted through some boxes that we stowed away in our basement that were filled with old magazines and papers that we shoved in a box before we hit the road to go to Wyoming this past summer. I came across some items that we thought we had lost or thrown away, so the time was well spent for me both for lightening our load and for following up on some items we misplaced. I just need to rearrange the file cabinet to find a place to keep those papers that we will need for awhile - to do taxes, at least.

We had to go to the store after Josie got home last night and we went just in time to catch the rising moon over the hills to the east:

The days are about as short as they will get for the winter season, so it doesn't get light until close to 7 AM and darkness is here by 5:30 at night. Winter hasn't officially arrived yet, but you would never know it by watching the national weather forecasts.

Even with the longer work days, Josie has found time to finish up another hat that she crocheted in one night:

Her collection of hats is growing and she still has some ideas for other hats, so expect to see more "fashion" ideas from her in the near future.

That's about all there is to report for this day, so we'll see you tomorrow...

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