Friday, October 12, 2012

Lettermen Concert

Even though we went to Sam's Club, stopped to see some new homes in Laughlin and won some money in the Casino, our highlight of the day was the Lettermen concert at the Don Laughlin Theater in the Riverside Resort Hotel and Casino.

The show started at 8 PM but we went earlier in the day to pick up our tickets at the Will-Call window. Our seats were very good - 2nd row of tables from the stage - but were on the right side of the stage which did not give us a straight-on view, but were good enough. It was a very nostalgic show for me but Josie didn't remember too much of their music until they started singing some of their hits.

The group has changed over the years - Tony Butala is the only original member of the group still with them. Tony is the founder of the group and is the little guy in the pictures below:

and is the one shown below:

If you read the biography in the link above, you will see that a very famous person was once a member of the group before they became "officially" a 3 man group called The Lettermen. It was a female singer named Concetta Ingolia, who left the group to become a star on the hit TV show Hawaiian Eye and changed her name to Connie Stevens.

The show was fabulous for me although I'm not so sure that Josie got the same satisfaction that I did. She got more satisfaction following the show when we went to the Casino and played just $20 and she walked out with over $500. I also won - $50 - on my $20 that we each played, so we aren't doing too bad at the slots so far.

I have to take the Jeep this morning to the dealer in town to have our left rear power window repaired. For the third time, the mechanism that raises and lowers the window is broken and needs to be replaced. This is a common problem with our year and model and, as mentioned, is the third time we have done this same fix on the same window. Our plan is also to try a different casino today - the Colorado Bell - which is another one where we have enjoyed success in the past. So, it should be another fine day in Laughlin...

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