Saturday, August 29, 2009

Narrowing the Field

One of the things that we neglected to mention yesterday was that we eliminated another potential job for the winter. We received an offer from the Hart-T-Trees Co. to sell Christmas trees in Florida from 11/23 to 12/23. It was mentioned a couple weeks ago that we had a phone interview with these folks and it went well, but they had to get their returnees lined up first. They did that, and came back to us with one of their openings. Our decision to reject it was based on the fact that it was only one month, even though the money was good. We need to have a commitment somewhere else in Florida for the remainder of the winter season and that hasn't happened.

We also had rejected a job in Tennessee that involved managing a campground that was formerly a KOA campground and was being purchased by two individuals that needed a couple to run the place while they worked regular jobs during the week. There were a couple of problems with that. The campground needed lots of work. Much of the responsibility was to help renovate the campground. The hours and pay weren't that great starting out even though we would have had every weekend off. The other big problem was the location. It's a little too cold in the winter there to suit us. We have rejected a couple others also for various reasons. The "right" job will come along. At least we know we are welcome to stay here as long as we need to. Right now, our projected time of departure is around October 10. Nothing firm, but that's the target. It also gets too cold here after that time frame. One of our front desk co-workers, Grace, was told that her last day would be September 6. She doesn't have a definite winter job lined up but was told she could leave her rig here while she goes "home" to Wisconsin to have some surgery. She has not been invited back next year. More on her at a later date.

Today will be another early day for us - 7 to 3. The crowds aren't getting much smaller for the weekends even though the weekdays are a drag now. We like being busy as opposed to sitting around.

We made reservations to go to Laughlin next week on our days off. It's been about a year since we made a trip there and we do enjoy it. We will leave after work on Tuesday and return sometime Thursday afternoon. We figured it would be a nice break just before the wild Labor Day weekend crowd arrives. We will have to be prepared for much warmer days as that location is as hot as Phoenix. Later...

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