Monday, August 10, 2009

Business Slowing Down

The impact of the kids starting school again is beginning to show. Yesterday was not nearly as busy as Sundays have been so far. We can really tell the difference because there were fewer kids in the campground this weekend and we had a lot fewer customers for the dumping station. That means there are fewer people staying in the forest on weekends now.

It's hard to believe the temperature swings in this area. We had a high of 80 degrees yesterday with a low of 37. The altitude, nearly 7300 feet, certainly plays a part in that. We have totally acclimated ourselves to the higher elevation though as we don't get out of breath much at all now.

There appears to be a problem brewing for this weekend. There is a wedding scheduled for Saturday that will take place in our banquet room. Originally, the ceremony was to take place in the small chapel on the grounds but the number of people attending will be too much for the small chapel. The people have asked that we allow them to decorate the banquet room on Friday evening so it would be ready for the Saturday ceremony. The problem is, our banquet room is open on Friday evenings until about 9 PM with our entertainment and dinner overflow crowd. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out.

Today is an 8 AM start with 2 PM finish. This is a comfortable schedule for us. It still leaves time in the afternoon for other activities if we need to go somewhere or do something away from the resort. Til tomorrow...

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