Friday, August 14, 2009

Crazy Weather and Work on our Off-Day

The storm finally passed through late yesterday after giving us another .13" of rain. It was a steady, but light rain most of the morning. The crazy thing is that our high was only 65 yesterday with a low of 54. Just a couple days ago we had a nearly 50 degree swing in temperature. Comes with the territory I guess.

Bob went in to work at 10 AM while the Manager (Chi Chi) went to Payson to do errands and worked until just after 2 PM. The plan was to have Josie go in around 4 and help out with the restaurant service. We guess that the restaurant was again slow, as Josie was never called in. It was pretty much a waste of the day for us.

Bob spent a good part of his time trying to resolve his computer problem. It appears now, after several hours of chat with the HP Support Team on-line that the PC will have to be sent to the service center for repair. The problem is not serious, but is a nuisance. The display background flickers and changes color (to pink) when the lid is moved past a certain angle. The problem is that the most comfortable angle for the display is in the problem zone so we have to deal with that problem all the time. He tried several steps to diagnose the problem and it was decided that the problem is with a connection somewhere between the display and the graphics card or the mother board. It's a good thing the PC is still under warranty and the repairs will be free, including the shipping. I hate the thought of sending it anywhere with all the computer piracy happening today but what other choice is there?

It's back to work as scheduled today. We are in at 7 AM (ugh!) and work to 3. This will be a long day...

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