Monday, August 31, 2009

Chucky and a New Fire

We almost always leave the front door of the store propped open during the day to improve the air flow and keep it cool inside. There is a chipmunk that has taken up residence in a masonry planter in front of the store that is about 50 feet away from the front door. A couple times a day, when there are no people around the front of the store, the chipmunk, that we have named "Chucky", runs into the store, grabs a bag of candy that is on the bottom shelf and runs lickity-split out the front door and into his hiding place in the planter. He did this twice yesterday and had everybody cracking up. Who would have ever guessed that a chipmunk would have the intelligence to know that these little bags contained food, and that they would have the nerve to run in and steal it.

A new fire broke out yesterady afternoon that created some concern to people in the resort. The smoke was clearly visible to the east and looked a lot closer than it turned out to be. It is reported to be in a campground north of Payson and appeared to be spreading rapidly as we followed the smoke. It would be no danger to us though as it is about 35 miles from here.

Our schedule is 8 AM to 2 PM today and promises to be another slow day. We are beginning to lose our seasonal storage customers. Just a couple weeks ago there was only a spot or two available and now we have almost twenty. As the season winds down, people that always come up on weekends to boon-dock in the forest are taking their rigs home for the winter. That means also that our dump business will be falling off on Sundays, and we did notice it yesterday.

We will enjoy our trip to Laughlin this week before the final big weekend this Labor Day holiday.
Til tomorrow...

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