Saturday, February 9, 2019

Tax Vibes

As I filed our taxes yesterday, I was hearing uncertainty about the whole tax process this year. Josie heard a segment on TV where it was suggested that perhaps this not be the year you should file early.  First of all, this entire Trump administration has been filled with uncertainty so why should taxes be any different. Secondly, I always file early so that I can get my refunds earlier. Note: I can't remember the last time I had to fork over more money at tax time. If there are going to be changes in the tax laws at this point, there will be lots and lots of people caught with early filing - not just me. It will be interesting to see - if that should happen - how effectively the government responds to going after money from citizens who have already spent their refunds. I'll take my chances.

It was kind of late yesterday by the time we finished our errands so we rescheduled the RV show visit for today. There are actually two shows that we know about in the area  one at the Glendale Stadium which is the big one, and another at the Mariners Stadium in Peoria. We may try to visit both to see if there are any major differences. We are still up in the air about Jackson this summer and if there is any way we can make a switch on our RV's, we will try. The thought of spending lots of unnecessary money to repair problems on our current RV is not sitting well with me. Time will tell...

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