Thursday, February 7, 2019

Brakes on Taxes

I didn't get very far into our taxes yesterday. I realized that I was still missing some important data - namely, a summary from our rental agent for the first part of the year and an interest summary from our bank we had with the old house. As I recall, it took some extra time last year to get the rental summary. At any rate, I don't like the new tax changes. First of all, the doubling of the standard deduction has the software wanting to have me file without itemizing deductions. As I began to get into the deductions, I discovered that much of what I am used to deducting has disappeared. I will be amazed if we get anything back that is anything near what we got last year as a result of the new tax laws. Thanks, Trump!

We have another cold spell going through today and tomorrow. Just when we think we are past the freezing danger, we get another one. It will be interesting to see how our plants respond to this latest freeze. We will not see the 70's during the day for at least the next week. The high for today will be 57. Where is the AZ Desert weather?

We almost always see coyotes walking along the golf course. Yesterday, one walked right through our yard like he was a pet dog. Late yesterday afternoon, Josie jumped up off  her chair and yelled that there was a coyote chasing a rabbit on our neighbor's yard. We don't know if he eventually caught it or not, but there are lots of little bunnies running around our area...

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