Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rainy Day

Except for a short trip to Walmart to get a few items, it was a laid back, quiet day at home. It rained off and on all day and is again cloudy and damp this morning. It's probably a good thing to have these days now as it gives me an opportunity to do some more organizing for tax time. It is going to be interesting this year since we had income from 4 different states. Only 2 of them have state taxes but it is still going to result in extra forms and effort. One good thing though is that we can deduct travel expenses to our jobs which helps, along with some other workamping (job related) expenses.

It's fun watching the jockeying of all the motor homes and trailers each morning as I write the blog. Check-in time isn't suppose to be until 1 PM, but we see lots of people coming in starting around 8 AM. Coupled with the folks that are leaving, it looks like a circus. There are no assigned spaces, so people have to drive around looking for a suitable spot. We like to check-in during the early afternoon when most of the people that are leaving are gone. The other thing that has been pretty much verified is that almost all of the people coming to Florida are from the Eastern states, as we knew that most people going to Arizona in the winter are from the Western states. The Midwesterners are probably split between the two winter havens.

Today is our last full day here before going to the Thousand Trails park in Orlando for a week. We had better say goodbye to the jacks problem while we are there. Until tomorrow...

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