Friday, January 21, 2011

New Chapter Begins Today

Today begins the "experience" at Disney World - at least for me. That means that Josie gets some short term quiet time, alone, until she can find a job locally. Actually, we plan to go back to the campground at Sherwood Forest in Kissimmee next week so that she can try to join the staff there. They indicated before we left there over a week ago that they needed help but had to get budget approval before adding staff. That would be a blessing if she can land a job there as it would provide a space for us so that we don't have to change campgrounds every week or so. They would provide the space at a huge discount, with no departure until her commitment ends. At any rate, we cancelled the free space we had in Wauchula for the next 10 days. We will go to Sherwood Forest for a week, then back here for 8 days. Beyond that is not determined yet.

All of my paperwork is completed for the meeting this morning. We should definitely have a feel for my schedule and my responsibilities at the end of today. They are very thorough with their hiring procedure and, when you think about the type of company that they are, it's appropriate. They can't be too safe in hiring all the people that they do with the degree of public contact and all the children that are involved.

The other news from yesterday came out of a conversation with the people at Bethpage in Virginia about the summer job there. They have asked us to join the team, as early in April as we can arrive, and stay through October, if possible. We are thinking that we will commit to doing that this year. We are already on the east coast, and it represents a new and different experience which is what we are seeking in this adventure. They are OK with our arrival around the middle of April since I am committed at Disney World until April 2nd. The late ending in October may be too long for us, but they said they can be flexible with that also. They are sending all of their paperwork to us to complete and send back in the next week or so.

We had thunderstorms overnight and some hard rain. The temperatures still are holding in the comfortable area at 80 for the high yesterday with a low of 50. It is still good sleeping weather without having to use the air conditioner. We know that will change as we get closer to summer. It's time to go, so tomorrow's update should be interesting...

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