Friday, December 17, 2010

Start of the Final Push

The last three days were such a relief to us. My cold is under control after a day yesterday of fever and congestion, and Josie is feeling ready to go again for the final push. It would have been difficult if we had worked any of the 3 days we were off.

The weather is providing some hours of thawing during the day while it reaches into the mid to high 30's but is still dropping into the high 20's during the night. It would be OK if it continues that way since we just need a few hours of above freezing temperatures during the day in order to keep our fresh water supply on full. The "honey wagon" is scheduled today to make a final attempt at getting everybody's tanks emptied for the last time. Our reservation at the park here expires on the 24th and I believe the park will close down totally after that date.

I called our mail forwarding service yesterday to have them "hold" our mail until I give them a new address. So far, that service has worked flawlessly since we started. We aren't sure how long we will be in Chattanooga yet since there may be a problem in timing with Lippert Components - the company that has our hydraulic system under warranty. It seems that they will close down their operation over the Christmas Holiday, beginning on the 23rd, and remain closed - except for December 27-28, and then close again until after the New Year. That leaves a small window for us to get the problem diagnosed and parts sent to Chattanooga on the 27th so we can get repairs done and move on. It's another one of those things like you only get sick on Friday nights because the Doctor's are gone until Monday.

We will drive to a town - Greensburg - that is about 10 miles from here to pick up a gel called "Biofreeze" that has worked better than anything else we have tried on sore muscles. It is available in that town at a Chiropractor office so we will go and stock up. It is also available online but we don't have the time to wait for mail to arrive. We have tried most of the usual medications and like this one the best. We have been using samplers up till now and are just about out of it. Give it a try if you have sore muscles or arthritis pain.

That's it for today, as we prepare to go back to work for our final 4 days...

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