Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cold Spell Continues

Our freezing weather continued last night with a low of 19 degrees. It is at 27 right now (1 PM) and we still need to do something about emptying our grey water tank. The black (sewage) tank is empty thanks to the effect of the heat tape on the drain pipe yesterday. There is a shorter, smaller pipe that runs from the grey water tank to the larger main drain that wasn't covered with the heat tape. That needs to be done today before we leave for our scheduled overtime work day. The honey wagon driver said he would be back on Wednesday or Thursday to take care of all the people that had frozen pipe situations yesterday.

Every day before starting work on our shift we have a short meeting to hear about all the statistics from the day before. The indication was that there were 224,000 transactions processed the day before by all shifts. That means that each of those items went through the entire process of receiving, stowing, picking, packaging and mailing. That just emphasizes the enormity of Amazon.com. The figure I gave a few days ago of 1 billion transactions to be processed this season is actually 2 billion. Incredible.

We are sooo looking forward to our days off this week. Today is our last day this week and on the one hand we are regretting the decision to work an extra 11 hour day, but on the other hand, at time-and-a-half, it represents an amount that we can't ignore. There are only 10 more "scheduled" work days left. We will need the days off to catch up on rest and do "cold weather" fortifications. It's not quite the way we envisioned the time here but as I said yesterday, we will manage, and we look forward to moving on to Florida. It seems that Florida hasn't escaped the wrath of this cold spell either. There are temperatures in the 30's in a lot of places there. That's about it for today...

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