Saturday, December 18, 2010

Exit Interview at Work

We were informed that all workers would be having a meeting yesterday to discuss procedures for ending our work assignments. Our group met at 5:45 PM and they went over some details about the final day process - turning in badges, closing out the lockers, etc. - and they thanked everybody for their contributions to a record performance by this year. The Workamper program has become, and will remain, an important program for them. They indicated that this year there were 400 workampers on staff, and next year they are targeting 1000 workampers to work the peak season. We received a $100 referral bonus for each couple we recommended and were hired and the program will be repeated again next year. They handed out a small gift to each worker along with a letter that thanked us for our contributions and also provided a registration form for signing up again for next year. One thing is for sure - if we should return next year (and the jury is still out) we will not work the night shift again.

There are only 3 more days left and we are anxious for it to end. We still are unsure about how long it will take to do the repairs in Chattanooga but we are looking forward to going to the next stop on our journey. If the weather holds out we should have smooth sailing the rest of the way.

Our neighbors on the one side - Karen and George - are finished their work and are planning to head out tomorrow. Our understanding is that they are headed for a volunteer position in Alabama for the remainder of the winter. We will meet up again with them in Cody if we decide to return there next summer. Brenda and Hank - our neighbor on the other side - are on pretty much the same schedule we are. They will leave either Wednesday or Thursday next week. They are heading toward Washington DC to visit some family before heading to Florida eventually. We will also meet up with them again in Cody if we return. That's about it for now...

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