Friday, December 3, 2010

Coping With The Water Situation

The psychological definition for coping is managing taxing circumstances. It is for sure that our water situation is taxing. We returned home from a trip to Walmart for groceries and there was water leaking from the underside of our connection panel. When I opened the panel door, there was water running out of the overflow for the fresh water tank. The hose was not even connected to the fresh water tank, so how in the world is water flowing into that tank to cause it to overflow? It was 33 degrees outside, with a forecast to go below freezing again last night, and not a good time to handle water leaks that could cause an icy nightmare. I was not able to find out why the water was going into the tank, but it has to be related to the water pump problem. I ended up shutting off the water and turning on our temperamental pump to try and use up the water in the tank so it wouldn't overflow. It seems to be working right now but I'll have to find a fix for it when it gets a little warmer and I have more time. It will involve emptying the storage compartment in order to get into where the connections are in the basement.

Today will be a day to set up our Christmas lights outside and put them on the timer. We have 3 sets of rope lights that we will place around the patio which will give us a look that it is the Christmas season. It's another job that needs to get done no matter how cold it is outside. We then get ready for the start of our marathon work week - 5 straight days of 11 hours each.

We need to decide when we will leave here at the end of our commitment. The 23rd of December is on a Thursday which is not normally a work day for us. The people at Amazon have indicated though that anybody who is not scheduled on those final days can stay over and work if they want. The only reason we wouldn't stay would be because of the weather. We'll have to decide soon since we need to figure out where we will be for Christmas. That's the fun part - deciding where we should go next. Wherever it is, it will be on the way to Florida...

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