Monday, May 17, 2010

Drop Ins Increase

There seems to be a trend developing here at the park. The last several days that we've worked, we have noticed that there are more people dropping in to get a space for a day or two than there are people coming in with reservations. Another trend is that almost everyday there are no-shows of people that have reservations but never show up. The closer we get to the busy summer season, the better the chance we will be forced to turn away some of these drop-ins. It must be a result of people deciding at the last minute to come to the coast, or that people just can't travel the distances they expect to travel on the busy coastal highway. The no-shows are likely a result of the fact that we don't collect a deposit from anybody to hold a reservation. These people probably figure it doesn't cost them anything to change their plans, so why notify the campground. This is a serious problem - in our mind. We are taking up a space that can't be rented to a drop-in or another person that really wants to come to the park. It would minimize the no-shows if we collected some kind of deposit from each reservation - such as the first night's rent. That would make people think twice before making other arrangements and not showing up. The tally yesterday was 2 reservations, one no-show, and 3 drop-ins. Sunday is typically a day filled with people leaving and not so many checking in.

Today will likely be similar to yesterday. I have to go in a half hour earlier to deliver the newspapers to our short term guests. Since there is no Sunday paper, I only have to do that for Monday. Our manager, Jim, takes care of the other days. Josie also has special duties on our long days. She is responsible for the restrooms in the club house which she cleans on Sunday and Monday. We cover for each other at the front desk while these other duties get completed. I also have to maintain the spa and do outside chores. Even though these 2 days are long, we have more to do that helps make the time go faster.

The forecast for the rest of the week has some rain for each day until Sunday. After the last 6 consecutive dry days, we were due for a change. We are definitely moving to a phase of better weather here. We are looking forward to continued improvement...

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