Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stirring the Nest

I neglected to mention that the other day, while the landscaper was picking up the pavers that we brought from Lake Peasant, he saw 4 scorpions under the bottom pavers. The treatment we had obviously didn't include the underside of the stacks of pavers, so it was not unexpected. What was unexpected was the one that I discovered on our ceiling by the back door yesterday:

It wasn't more than three feet from the doorway and I have no idea how it ended up where it did. I sprayed it with the scorpion liquid we bought at Lowe's and it dropped to the floor - dead. I'm sure that the activity outside has probably resulted in the scorpions that are remaining to move around and find new homes. We are sick of scorpions.

The work is progressing in the back yard and there is one small problem that was discovered. The new pavers I bought to make up the difference in what we had versus what we needed to finish the job are a different shade. They are the identical pavers except the ones we brought from Lake Pleasant are sun bleached from sitting outside for the last two years baking in the sun. The new ones will eventually fade to the same color, but in the meantime, it looks strange having the two shades of pavers. This is the status of the project:

I will get some shots of the total project when it is completed which will be either today or tomorrow - hopefully. The landscaper comes and goes on his own schedule, so I never know when to expect him. He needs to bring in another two tons of sand and I already bought some extra grass for him to use. The end is in sight...

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