Monday, January 31, 2011

Usher Training Day

One of the roles that I will be performing at work is Ushering. That involves several different functions: Greeting people, monitoring events, crowd control, handling emergencies, shuttling guests on golf carts and generally, guiding people to destinations within the complex. There is a lot to learn and yesterday was our introduction. There were 3 people in my group plus the trainer, and we spent the entire day walking, driving the cart and learning all the nooks and crannies in the complex. I had my camera with me and took a few shots, but basically, there are so many things to capture that this is only a small sampling. First,  there is this picture of one of the lacrosse games:

There are 23 fields within the complex, and almost all of the fields that were not for baseball - about 10 - were being used for these tournament games. Then, while learning the ins and outs of the Jostens Center where the indoor games are held, I have this picture of the volleyball tournament:

There were 6 games taking place at any one time - 3 that can be seen here, and another 3 on the other side to the left, behind the screen in the picture. These games went all day, from 8 AM till 5 PM. Finally, there is this shot of the empty stadium:

Very soon, the stadium will be filled and all the other fields will be occupied with Spring Training baseball. It will be a very busy place and I will be working in all of the areas at some point. There will be many more pictures to follow.

My next scheduled training day is Friday this week when I will be trained on turnstiles. It's hard to imagine a whole day of "turnstile" training, but there are lots of details that need to be learned for all of the jobs. Following that, I believe the real work begins and I will be assigned different locations and functions each day. There are 2 hour shifts for each assignment during each day, after which you are relieved by someone who also will give you a slip of paper with your next 2 hour assignment. So far, I haven't seen or heard anything about the part of the job that was described to me by the recruiter - the computer/tickets job. Honestly, I would rather  do what I'm being trained to do. It's different and a lot more fun. We'll see what happens.

We will go to the Thousand Trails park today to get our site and check-in, even though we will not go there until Wednesday. Our reservation here goes until then and since we are paying for this space, we will stay until the reservation expires. It appears now that we will be going back and forth between the 2 parks since they aren't able to hire anyone here. Josie and I are going to see if she can get a job at one of the resorts in the area which are nearby. There certainly are plenty of them.

I also wanted to go back to the costuming facility to pick up a couple pairs of black shorts. After yesterday's experience outside, it will be more comfortable to wear the shorts instead of the slacks. That's about it for now...

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