Friday, April 20, 2018

Closer Yet

We received the results of the termite inspection yesterday - all clear. The paperwork for our repairs - none requested at this point - was done and we wrote out a bill of sale for the furniture. There is a meeting scheduled at the house on Saturday at 10 AM with all parties involved - sellers, seller's agent , our agent and ourselves. The purpose of the meeting is to finalize the arrangements for the furniture. Our understanding is that the sellers want to leave just about everything, but we will know for sure at that meeting.

The final step in the whole process is the appraisal which is scheduled for Monday. Once that comes back - hopefully, right on or near the purchase price - we should be good to go and will schedule the closing.

We are attempting to work out the schedules so that we can still go to Jackson this summer season. With an earlier close, we may be able to get all the inside work done at the house and get our furniture and other possessions from our storage unit and close that down. That would mean closing up the house until we return in October at which time we would complete our move-in. We work with a couple that did that very same thing last year when they purchased a home in Sun City West just before going to Jackson and moved into the home when they returned last October.

There are a lot of things that need to be coordinated to make things happen the way we would like but we are also preparing to implement plan B (or C, or D?) if things don't quite work out the way we would like...

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