Thursday, June 18, 2009

Change in Plans

All morning long yesterday we were trying to decide where we should go. We had to decide where to go to take care of all the things that needed to be done: fill prescription, grocery shopping, bank, take things to goodwill, pack things for storage, get the Jeep serviced and find a Costco where we could replace some toiletries and items that only can be found at Costco. The answer was- make a trip to the Valley. Getting a late start - 12 noon - hurt our chances for getting everything done but we gave it a shot anyway.

We went to Goodwill, dropped off our goodies for them, went to the storage unit and dropped off a couple boxes there and tried to fill my Colonoscopy prescription. We went to two pharmacies and neither could/would fill it. The first didn't have the product and said they could get it by tomorrow. That wouldn't work. The second said they couldn't fill it because the prescription didn't have a date on it. We never heard that excuse before. The girl said she needed to call the doctor before she could fill it. That wouldn't work. We ended up walking into a CVS in Camp Verde on the way home and getting it filled in fifteen minutes. We also went to the bank, and Costco, where we hadn't gone since we came to Happy Jack. It was worth the trip although we didn't get the Jeep serviced. That will be done after work one day, either in Flagstaff or Payson. Everything else got accomplished.

We headed home and about 8 PM we were about 7 miles from the lodge when a big bull elk ran across the road in front of us about 30 feet away. Bob hit the brakes (luckily no cars were behind) and pulled over to the side to try and get a picture. The elk stopped by a tree and was barely visible in the darkness so we didn't get a shot. We always drive cautiously at dusk for that reason. The speed limit is 65 on that road and we were going about 50 at the time. It's always a thrill to see them while driving around.

Today is another stay home and organize day as we still have a lot of stuff to go through and get rid of. Someday, we will be organized and the fifth wheel will weigh what it is supposed to weigh when fully loaded - maybe...

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