Sunday, June 28, 2009

Attacking the ATV Problem

It was mentioned in yesterday's post that there was a developing problem with the ATV's in the resort. It came to a head early in the morning when a gentleman drove down to the lodge for breakfast from his site on his ATV - with six kids hanging on to the vehicle. They were on bumpers, fenders and seats and none of them had a helmet. A recipe for disaster. After seeing this, Bob made 95 copies of the "Rules and Information" sheet with the ATV rules highlighted in yellow marker and attached a flyer with the new state laws regarding off road vehicle use and the licensing and registration laws. The rule that was highlighted stated that ATV's could only be driven directly from the campsite to the trails and anyone under 18 years old must wear a helmet. Bob used one of the golf carts to drive around and place one of these notices on each rig that was in the park. Several people were at their rigs and said they were happy to see the rules distributed because they have seen the many violations in the resort.

This seemed to have had, at least temporarily, a positive effect on the ATV use. Until about 5 PM when we saw about three ATV's riding down the road with small kids driving, and with no helmets. Sheesh! What kind of parents are these that allow their kids to violate the rules? You wonder if they have any rules at home. Not only that, but the same guy that drove the six kids down to the lodge in the morning did it again, with the same six kids, driving them to the showers! That was enough for Bob who walked down to confront him and the guy just stood there and said "you mean I can't drive my kids down here to take a shower". He had to tell him that we are enforcing the rules because last year there was a serious accident here with an ATV and they had to airlift a boy out of here in a helicopter. He also intercepted the other violators and asked them to drive back to their sites and park the ATV's.

Other than that, it was a normal, hectic Saturday. Today is our one day on late shift so we don't go in until 12 noon. Today will be a big "dump" day and everybody will be checking out so it should be busy. We'll have a leisurely breakfast and take it easy this morning. The weather has been beautiful with highs at 80 and lows in the high 40's. Perfect...

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