Friday, July 19, 2019

Wrapping Up Riverton Trip

We wound down our trip to Riverton yesterday with a huge, free breakfast in the hotel restaurant - courtesy of Josie's birthday in July. There was a $20 food credit given to her to celebrate her birthday and it more than covered the total cost for our breakfast. We then decided to give the casino one last try before heading out for home. Normally, we don't go back the next morning in a casino and play the same machines that we won on the previous day. It was a practice that we probably should have followed. Josie lost her stake for the morning and I broke even. We still left Riverton with enough to pay for our total trip.

It was around noon when we finally got on the road for Jackson and, as promised, we got some photos of this beautiful drive:

Starting with a photo of the hotel/casino entrance as we were leaving:

The drive from Riverton to Jackson was through Dubois again and there were many nice shots of that area which is about halfway between Riverton and Jackson:

 From Dubois, we drove along the Togwotee Pass:

which also provides a drop-dead view of the Tetons as you approach the Grand Teton National Park.

Our trip was terrific and we are glad we made the decision to go.

Our original plan was to schedule a hike for today but Josie has to get caught up on laundry before doing anything else. We may still schedule something for this afternoon, but, for now, it is laundry time...

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