Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weather Controls Our Schedule

Wouldn't you know that the 2 days we had off this week were rainy days. That removed the incentive to go to a new area to discover. We were able to get a few things done though. Josie did the laundry and I did research on phones that Verizon is offering as free upgrades.

We are at the point once again in our Verizon 2 yr contract where we can upgrade our phones for free, or at a discounted price. Neither one of us is ready for the smart phones that are out there since they all require additional data packages that run up the monthly cost of using them. The same features are available to us on our computers which we use everyday. We don't need the real-time, find out now, information that is available with those devices. Our pace isn't the same as when we were working "real" jobs in the marketplace, and it's just the two of us, so why the need for all the extra features? Anyway, after researching all the feature phones - plain phones with some touchscreen capabilities - we decided to wait a little longer. We're sure that some of the nicer phones that would cost us some more money now will make the "free" list in a couple months. Some of the phones we would like to have do have more capability - such as memory cards, better built-in cameras and longer battery life - that would cost us more money now. It was a fun exercise anyway.

Our schedule today has us both working from 1 to 6, after which we have to go to Bethpage to attend an orientation class. We would have thought that an orientation class would be more appropriate at the beginning of our working stint. Oh, well. Also, I have to attend a propane certification class tomorrow morning, also at Bethpage. I have been dispensing propane at most of the parks we have worked, but I have never been "officially" certified. That will be good for our resume.

We are anxious to go to Williamsburg, so we may be scheduling a trip there on our next day off. It is only about 40 miles from here, so we will most likely have multiple visits to that area. I am now researching the town to find out the best way to see everything. There are lots of options, so we'll keep you posted...

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