Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Visiting Reedville

There are many small towns within about a 25 mile radius of Topping, VA, where we are staying. One of them is a town called Reedville - of course, we had to go check it out. It is supposedly the capital of the world for menhaden fishing, an oily and bony fish that used to be plentiful in this part of the coastal waters.

Reedville was founded by a Maine fisherman, Elijah Reed, in 1874:

and his grave site was just a short distance inside the city limits:

The most distinctive feature of the town was all of the beautiful, old Victorian homes and mansions that were along the main street:

and across the water on the other side of the marina:

We came across this home, with the sign "Reed House" which we assumed was the home of the founder:

The town had no real downtown area where you could walk around or shop, but instead, was just a quaint little fishing town who's main attraction was the homes and marina. There weren't even any eateries or gas stations which is unusual for any town. It was a neat place to visit though, and we enjoyed our time driving around Reedville.

When we arrived back home, our workamper neighbors asked us to come over to join them in playing a game of "Cornhole" which is very popular among RVer's. This was the first time we had played the game and enjoyed a couple hours visiting with them and getting to know them better:

We have a little BBQ scheduled tonight where everybody will bring hamburgers, hot dogs or anything else they want for themselves, plus a side dish for everybody. It is totally different from where we were before coming here. These people enjoy each other and like the camaraderie that makes it a more enjoyable experience. We also found out that the very nice miniature golf course that we played at the big BBQ the other day at the sister park - Bethpage - is free to all employees. Josie and I may go there today to play a full round - and maybe even have some ice cream at the ice creamery there when we are done. We were only able to play a few holes the last time because the food line was forming and we had to cut it short.

It looks like another fun day coming up...

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