Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jammed Pack Full

Yesterday there were more people out than we will probably ever see in this park. It was difficult to go anywhere where there wasn't a traffic jam of carts. There were all kinds of activities available for the whole crowd. Beginning with the swimming pool where people barely had enough room to even stand up:

and the slides, where it was a steady stream of people:

There weren't even enough chairs for people to use at poolside, so they ended up just sitting on the edge of the pool.

There were several train trips around the park and there was nearly a traffic jam at the store while people loaded up both the train and hayride:

The train ride at midday (above) was the main ride that included all the decorated carts and bikes in a parade.

There were carts everywhere, and at times it was difficult to find a place to park where people wanted to spend some time:

It appeared that everybody was having a grand time all day long. There was a record hop held in the pavilion between 7 PM and 10 PM that was hosted by a live DJ. There was an accident during this record hop where a woman tripped on the pavilion step as she was entering and we called in the ambulance to make sure she was OK. They transported her to the hospital just in case.

My security shift actually went better than on Friday night. Just about all of the "hot spots" were quiet and closed down by around 12:30 AM. The sheriff's deputy helped out once again and his presence was certainly a factor in the crowd control. My shift ended just in time as my cart was about ready to die around 1 AM, and I just parked it where I could look and listen for unusual activity before limping home for the night at 2 AM.

One more day and we get back to normal crowds - whatever that is. It will be interesting to see how much the activity changes with the non holiday weekend crowd. Josie and I both are tired and anxious for our last day to be completed this weekend...

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