Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hearing Aid Experiment

My hearing test yesterday produced no surprises. My hearing has gotten a little worse in the higher ranges, but has remained the same (bad) in the rest of the ranges. I was there for about 1.5 hours and my Audiologist is trying an experiment with the newest and latest technologically advanced hearing aids. She indicated that my current hearing aids do not produce the power required to effectively separate the background noises and these new ones should be a vast improvement. Of course, she wants to sell them to me after the one week trial period, but there is little chance of that happening. These hearing aids would have to bring back my hearing ability to where it was when I was 21 years old in order for them to be worth the money. That won't happen. After only one day, I can't see enough of an improvement to justify switching - at any cost. I will try them for the trial period and then return them for my old ones next Friday.

Josie worked at the 7th St store again yesterday and that drive is really brutal. It takes her one hour to commute each way to that location. We will address that situation next week.

It's nice to have weekends off together so we will try to do some things that we enjoy. One idea is to drive through a couple of areas where we think it would be nice to rent a home. We have seen some nice homes in different areas where RV's are allowed to be parked on the properties. Both of us are getting anxious to get on with the plan so that we can get our goods out of storage and have our RV with us all the time...

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